The Mythopoeic Society is pleased to announce the publication of Journey Back Again: Reasons to Revisit Middle-earth, edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer. This is the second edition of a collection originally published in 2020 by Azusa Pacific University.

The Mythopoeic Society is pleased to announce the publication of Journey Back Again: Reasons to Revisit Middle-earth, edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer. This is the second edition of a collection originally published in 2020 by Azusa Pacific University.
The CFP deadline is May15, 2023.
The Mythopoeic Society invites paper submissions for an online conference that focuses on the various depictions of the concept of hell in modern fantasy works. Aspects of this topic might include but are certainly not limited to any of the following:
Papers from a variety of critical perspectives and disciplines are welcome. We are interested in ANY form of media — text, graphic novels, television, movies, music and music videos, games — as long as it can be described as fantasy and includes a hell or its denizens.
Some texts to consider:
Each paper will receive a 50-minute slot to allow time for questions, but individual papers should be timed for oral presentation in 40 minutes maximum. Two or three presenters who wish to present short, related papers may also share a one-hour slot. Participants are encouraged to submit papers chosen for presentation at the conference to the special issue of Mythlore devoted to this theme. All papers should conform to the MLA Style Manual current edition.
Proposals should be approximately 200 words in length and should be sent to both co-chairs: and
The Mythopoeic Society has announced the winners of the 2022 Mythopoeic Awards. The winners of this year’s awards were announced during Mythcon 52, held July 29th through August 1st, 2022, in Albuquerque, NM.
We're excited to announce the preliminary schedule of our upcoming virtual midwinter seminar. It promises to be a very full and inspiring weekend. If you haven't signed up yet, there is still time to join us! Go to the OMS event page for more information.
For our process, there are four categories of awards, and nominations are made by individual members of the Mythopoeic Society. Any one member may nominate a book to any award category; selections of finalists and award recipients will be made by the relevant committee. Each committee is comprised by volunteers, and any member of the Society may volunteer for one committee or for several.
Authors, publishers, and/or their representatives may not nominate their own books, nor are books published by Mythopoeic Press eligible. The Mythopoeic Society does not accept or review unsolicited manuscripts. To nominate books, volunteer for committees, or ask questions about the Mythopoeic Awards process, please contact the Mythopoeic Awards Administrator – see my contact information below.
The deadline for nominations (limit of five per person per category, please!), and/or for volunteering for a committee(s), is February 15, 2022. When making a nomination, please include the author’s name, the title of the work, the publisher’s name, and the year of publication.
The Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature is given to the fantasy novel, multi-volume novel, or single-author story collection for adults published during the previous year that best exemplifies “the spirit of the Inklings”. Books are eligible for two years after publication unless short-listed during their first year of eligibility. Books from a series are eligible if they stand on their own; otherwise, the series becomes eligible the year its final volume appears.
The Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children’s Literature was established in 1992 and honors books for younger readers (up to age thirteen) in the tradition of The Hobbit or The Chronicles of Narnia. Rules for eligibility are otherwise the same as for the Adult literature award. The question of which category a borderline book belongs will be decided by a consensus of the committees. Books for mature “Young Adults” may be moved to the Adult literature category. From 1971 until 1991, we gave one award for all fantasy literature.
The Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies is given to books on J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and/or Charles Williams that make significant contributions to Inklings scholarship. For this award, books first published during the previous three years are eligible. Short-listed books from the previous year are automatically re-nominated for the next year’s long list.
The Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Myth & Fantasy Studies is given to scholarly books on other specific authors in the Inklings tradition, or to more general works on the genres of myth and fantasy. The period of eligibility is three years, as for the Inklings Studies award. Short-listed books from the previous year are automatically re-nominated for the next year’s long list.
Winners of the 2022 Mythopoeic Awards will be announced at the 52nd Annual Mythopoeic Conference (Mythcon 52), to be held July 29-Aug 1, 2022, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Please contact the Awards Administrator, Dennis Wise, to nominate books, volunteer for committees, or ask questions about the Mythopoeic Awards process.
Dr. Dennis Wise
University of Arizona