Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Mythcon 50 PR#1 Available

The first Progress Report for Mythcon 50 is now available online, both as a webpage and as a downloadable PDF. This will also be emailed to members of the conference.

Additionally, Mythcon 50 Room & Board packages are now available for sale! 

If you haven't joined the conference, we encourage you to join us in San Diego, August 2-5, 2019. Please note: the Council of Stewards has decided that non-Society members will receive membership in the Society for the year of the Mythcon they join. We've always encouraged folks to join the Society and then join Mythcon at the MythSoc members' rate - but now we save you that extra step. Please indicate whether or not you want to be listed in Mything Persons, the Society's membership directory.

Finally, if you serve on the Mythopoeic Awards committee(s), please remember the DEADLINE for nominations is February 16 ...which is coming right up! Read the initial blog post here, for details.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Mythcon 50 Alert: Progress Report #1 and Price Rise

The first progress report for Mythcon 50 will be emailed to members of the conference staring Monday, February 4th.  PLEASE make sure that we have your correct email address! Unless advised otherwise, we use the email address associated with your PayPal account, so kindly email to let us know if you want a different email address associated with your account.

Progress Report #1 will also be available on the website as a PDF to read or download.

ALSO on Monday, the Membership rates will have a modest rise, so if you want to save a little money, join now.

We are looking forward to seeing y'all in San Diego this August!